
Scottie User Guide

Scottie is a desktop app for managing tasks. It can manage 3 types of tasks: to-dos, deadlines and events. Scottie mainly operates using a Graphical User Interface (GUI), but it also features a working Command Line Interface (CLI). Scottie saves tasks to the hard disk automatically, so it can remember tasks after being closed.

How to Set Up

To start using the Scottie task management application yourself, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Install Java 11 or above on your computer
  2. Download the latest scottie.jar from GitHub
  3. Double-click the .jar file to start the app. Alternatively, open up a terminal, navigate to the folder containing the .jar file, and then run the following command
    java -jar scottie.jar

Once you run the command, the application will start! To use the app, enter your commands into the text field at the bottom, then press Enter or click the Send button.

Command Cheatsheet

Refer to the features list for more detailed explanations of the various commands.

Notes about command formats:

Action Command Format
List list
Deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /by D/M/YY [24H_TIME]
Event event DESCRIPTION /at D/M/YY [24H_TIME]
Delete delete INDEX
Mark mark INDEX
Unmark unmark INDEX
Sort sort [/by KEY] [/desc]
Exit bye


List all tasks: list

List out all the tasks currently recorded in the app.

Command: list

Add a to-do: todo

Add a to-do the list of tasks. A to-do requires a description.

Command: todo DESCRIPTION

Example: todo Buy milk

Add a deadline: deadline

Add a deadline to the list of tasks. A deadline requires a description and an end date. The end date can optionally include a time as well. Note that you should only enter the last 2 digits of the year.

Command: deadline DESCRIPTION /by D/M/YY [24H_TIME]

Examples: deadline Finish assignment 1 /by 1/9/22, deadline Finish assignment 2 /by 30/10/22 2359

Add an event: event

Add an event to the list of tasks. An event requires a description and a date. The date can optionally include a time as well. Note that you should only enter the last 2 digits of the year.

Command: event DESCRIPTION /at D/M/YY [24H_TIME]

Examples: event Tom's birthday /at 1/4/22, event Jerry's concert /at 24/12/22 2030

Delete a task: delete

Delete the specified task from the list of tasks.

Command: delete INDEX
where INDEX is the current position of the task to be deleted in the list.

Example: delete 1 (deletes the first task in the list)

Mark a task as done: mark

Mark the specified task as done.

Command: mark INDEX
where INDEX is the current position of the task to be marked as done in the list.

Example: mark 1 (marks the first task in the list as done)

Mark a task as not done: unmark

Mark the specified task as not done.

Command: unmark INDEX
where INDEX is the current position of the task to be marked as not done in the list.

Example: unmark 5 (marks the fifth task in the list as not done)

Search for a task: find

Search for tasks which contain the given search term(s) in their descriptions. The search is case-insensitive.

Command: find SEARCH_TERM

Example: find assignment 1

Sort tasks: sort

Sort the tasks according to some order. The /by flag is used to specify what part of the tasks to sort by. If the /desc flag is added, the tasks are sorted in reverse order. If neither flag is provided, by default the tasks are sorted in alphabetical order using their descriptions.

Command: sort [/by KEY] [/desc]
where KEY is

sort, sort /by name (both sort the tasks alphabetically by their descriptions)
sort /by date /desc (sorts the tasks in reverse chronological order by using their dates)

Exit the application: bye

Exit the application.

Command: bye

Edit the save file

Scottie stores the data for tasks in the tasks.txt file in the data folder. (When you first start up the app, the folder and file are created.) For more experienced users, you can consider editing this file directly to add, remove, edit or reorder tasks. This can be particularly useful if you are trying to migrate data from one computer to another.

Here are some examples of task data:

Run the CLI version

Scottie also features a fully functional CLI. Though its main purpose is to aid in automated testing, it can also be used in place of the GUI. The CLI and GUI versions behave in largely the same way.

To run the CLI application, specify the -cli flag when starting up the app:

java -jar scottie.jar -cli